Christmas Facts
Millions of Christians all around the globe celebrate Christmas Day on December 25th. It is also a well-known festival among non-Christians. Christmas Day is an annual commemoration of Jesus Christ's birth. Although the precise date of Jesus' birth is uncertain, it is thought to have occurred somewhere between 7 and 2 B.C. In the fourth century, the date of December 25th was selected. Gift-giving, sending holiday cards, Christmas trees and lights, caroling, a feast, and church festivities are all common Christmas traditions. Christmas Facts to Consider: Christmas is derived from the phrase "Christ's Mass." It was known as Cristesmsse in ancient English (first documented in 1038), which literally means 'Christian Mass.' Santa Claus is a well-known character connected with Christmas all around the globe. Christkind, Saint Nicholas, and Father Christmas are all famous Christmas characters. The festival was known as'midwinter' or 'nativity' by...