Presidents' Day Facts
In the United States, Presidents' Day occurs on the third Monday in February. After George Washington, the first president of the United States, it is also known as Washington's Birthday. The day is intended to honor George Washington and all of America's leaders. In 1879, it was declared a federal holiday. Although an effort was made in 1968 to designate the third Monday in February as Presidents' Day, it was unsuccessful. That was finally accomplished in 1971. Many states continue to refer to this day as Presidents' Day rather than Washington's Birthday. At this time, several states also commemorate Abraham Lincoln's birthday. Facts about Presidents' Day that are worth knowing: In the United States, Presidents' Day/Birthday Washington's is a federal holiday. Despite the fact that George's birthdate was February 22nd, his birthday is commemorated on the third Monday in February. George Washington's birthday was honored when he was still ...